May 7, 2023 Wood Gun

Outdoor wood boilers are large fireboxes surrounded by a water jacket. The heating of wood heats the water which is transferred through pipes to warm up a space. Some may even attach the boiler to their swimming pool or garage. It is especially useful in rural areas where generating heat with a wood boiler is much easier as compared to wood furnaces or stoves. Furthermore, it has become an alternative heating method since the prices of natural gas and electricity have increased. Read on to find out how outdoor wood boilers are efficient and reliable.

How Efficient Are Outdoor Wood Boilers?

If a wood boiler has wood gasification technology, it burns 50 percent less wood as compared to traditional wood boilers. Typically, outdoor wood boilers have an efficiency rate of up to 90 percent. This means that almost 90 percent of the heat and energy gained from burning wood will be transferred to the water in the boiler, and then to the residential or commercial space.

The amount of wood required also depends on the size of the space. The larger the building to be heated, the more wood is needed to burn. However, a smaller space with poor insulation would also burn more wood.

How to Make Your Outdoor Wood Boiler More Efficient

The quality of the wood you use and feed affects the efficiency of your outdoor wood boiler. There are different types of wood available such as light wood, medium wood, and heavy wood. All of them have varying amounts of energy stored. Aspen, willow, or box elder are light woods that use more wood to burn. Heavy woods include ash, hickory, and oak, which burn less wood and work better.

Another tip is to watch out for the moisture content in your wood. Seasoned wood usually contains 20 percent of water. The lesser the moisture, the more energy is gained to help your wood burn efficiently. Avoid using freshly cut wood and placing it outdoors. Instead, try preparing your wood six months or a year ahead. It ensures sufficient time for the wood to dry before being used. Remember to split, stack, and cover your woodpile to protect it from the rain.

Choose the Best Outdoor Wood Boiler

Check out the Alternate Heating Systems E210 Outdoor Wood Boiler to enjoy cost savings on monthly heating expenses by not having to use oil, gas, or electricity to heat your space. There are many factors to consider before purchasing an outdoor wood boiler such as underground lines, size of the space to be heated, climate temperature, your budget, and more.  Our goal is to simply help you enjoy the highest return on investment from your outdoor wood boiler.

If you’d like to learn more about our wood boilers and heating systems, contact us now! Our dedicated team will gladly assist you with any questions regarding our products.