It can be costly to heat a business, but it doesn’t have to be because you can generate a steady supply of heat utilizing used oil. For just a fraction of the cost or even for free, you can heat your business with a waste oil boiler. Here, we’re going to break down the advantages of a waste oil boiler so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not it will work for your circumstances.
First and foremost, however, let us explain exactly what we mean by “waste oil boiler”. Think of a traditional oil or propane boiler/furnace. These units have a “burner” that burns the oil or propane. This “burner” fires into a heat exchanger which then heats the water. Waste oil boilers work exactly the same with one main difference… they use used oil products. Used oil products vary from motor oil, crankcase oil, gear oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, fuel oil, vegetable oil, and more, these boilers offer a one-stop solution for saving on heating costs and solving your waste oil disposal problem.
If you take your used oil to recycle or disposal facilities now (where it may be burned), why not burn the oil yourself and enjoy free heat as a result? This is a safe method to dispose of your oil and to heat your business. It is a win-win situation.
Waste Oil Boiler Benefits
For business owners, there is a long list of advantages to be enjoyed through the use of waste oil heaters. Many of these advantages depend on the organization itself, but there are some positive impacts for most any business through the use of a waste oil boiler. Let’s check those out.
Clean Burn
Not all waste oil boilers are created equally. Make sure that, in addition to burning as cleanly as possible, the unit you choose is capable of burning the types of used fuels you can supply (i.e., hydraulic oil, ATF, used synthetic and waste oil, etc.).
Environmentally Friendly
The environmental friendliness of waste oil heaters adds to the already attractive recycling and cost-cutting features. Waste oil boilers reduce the risk of contamination spills and meet all requirements by the EPA for preserving clean air.
No EPA Liability
Oil poses a significant threat to the environment and human life if not disposed of properly. A “cradle-to-grave liability” has, therefore, been established by the EPA, which ensures that, when it’s time for disposal, oil is managed safely. Entrusting the disposal of oil to your company can create a lot of liability. You won’t have to worry about the hassle, costs, or time involved in proper disposal, however, if you have a waste oil boiler. Turn your liability into an asset by efficiently recycling/burning used oil.
Reduce Heating Expenses Significantly
When it comes to waste oil boilers, cost savings is possibly the biggest benefit. Huge savings can be realized by using a waste oil heater if you are currently heating your business with #2 fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, or propane. There may even be some neighboring businesses that would be willing to give you additional oil.
Now You Can Enjoy the Advantages of A Waste Oil Boiler
We at Alternative Heating Systems believe that maintaining a comfortable indoor environment shouldn’t cost a fortune or require a lot of effort. To that end, we provide easy, cost-effective heating solutions for keeping your commercial space or home comfortable and warm.
If you have questions about pricing, please feel free to contact us by calling 717-987-0099. You can also choose, if you’d rather, our convenient online form here for questions you may have.