Coal Boilers Image

Coal Boilers

Engineered for simplicity and efficiency, our Coal Gun series are self-maintaining coal stoker boilers, which are easy-to-use, low-maintenance, and suitable for any application.

Commercial Wood Boilers Image

Commercial Wood Boilers

The Wood Gun series are wood gasification boilers that use the most advanced technology available in wood and biomass burning devices. Burns 66% less wood than traditional wood burners.

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Hot Air Furnaces

Our self-maintaining coal stoker hot air furnaces make it easy to transition from costly heat sources to heating with anthracite coal. Our VF2500 series were engineered for efficiency, dependability, and longevity.

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Multi-Fuel Boilers

The Multi-Fuel series are traditional hand-fired updraft boilers. These classics offer the ultimate fuel flexibility, along with excellent performance and rugged dependability.

Outdoor Coal Boilers Image

Outdoor Coal Boilers

NEW! Our time-proven Coal Gun with outdoor housing. Includes added features such as a 30-day automated feed and ash dump (S130).

Outdoor Wood Furnaces Image

Outdoor Wood Furnaces

Our flagship model Wood Gun Super E210 now available with a kit for outdoor use!!

Parts & Options Image

Parts & Options

Between individual parts, add-ons, and options for all Alternative Heating Solutions boilers, you can find what you need in our online parts store.

Waste Oil Boilers Image

Waste Oil Boilers

If you have an abundant source of waste oil, save twice by lowering waste oil disposal costs and by utilizing an inexpensive fuel with this economical alternative.

Wood Boilers Image

Wood Boilers

The Super Wood Gun series are wood gasification boilers that use the most advanced technology available. They burn 66% less wood than a traditional wood burner. These units meet all the newest EPA requirements!